Excavation Services
from lawn seeding to septic systems
From full subdivision site development to repairing a leaking sewer line,
Elijah Evans Excavating delivers the same attention to detail and professionalism you have come to trust. We have more than 20 years in the full service excavating business specializing in all forms of earth moving and water remediation.
Elijah Evans Excavating does more than move dirt around. We pride ourselves on experience, proper equipment, and an artistic eye for results that are long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing.
Project Example:
Water Remediation in Bloomsburg PA
I had a job in Bloomsburg, PA with a client who was having water problems in her finished basement. Every time it rained, she would get water in where the well line came into her home. When we dug it up, we discovered the installer hadn't put concrete, caulk or sealant around the existing pipe.
To remediate the water issue in her basement, we used a hydraulic cement to seal the block. As an extra measure, we added bentonite powder aorund the pipe - it's a permeable clay that won't let water pass through.
I'm proud to say my hometown of Bloomsburg has another dry basement - no more leaking water since we made the repairs. -Elijah Evans, Owner


We offer full septic system installations, septic repairs and replacement of septic systems including elevated sand mounds, infiltrators and Eljen septic systems. Some contractors skimp on materials which causes sand mounds to leak on the lower side. We excavate properly the first time - plastic tanks for longevity and warranty protection, conduit surrounding the wiring, and we take our time with the top soil making sure the berm material is correctly graded.

Elijah Evans Excavating is experienced in sewer line installation, sewer line replacement and repairs to existing sewer lines. We use the proper pipes and sufficient stone, and can also perform pressure testing on sewer lines. Repairs to existing sewer lines can be disruptive to your property so we focus on minimizing impact through the use of our mini excavators. Upon completion, the soil is compacted and extra care taken to grade the top. And as always, we finish with grass seed and cover the site with straw.

We have extensive experience in lawn restoration, including remediation of uneven ground that cannot be mowed. Whether you need lawn seeding and straw for new construction or restoration of an existing lawn, we are expert at smoothing the surface, power raking, and reseeding lawns for beautiful results. We pride ourselves on including reseeding services with digs that disrupt grass and lawns. Even a few days delay can create problems with runoff of newly excavated and graded ground, and we want to ensure a lasting result.

Water in basements is a common issue. Sometimes the original excavator skimped on stone, or failed to ensure the footer drain is installed correctly. They may have used hard pipe from the edge of the house to the end of the trench instead of using a softer black plastic pipe. We make sure the footer drains are in proper working order and piped out to daylight or a pump system, and we use the proper amount of stone to do the job right. In some cases we can replace a failed footer drain system by digging around your house using our mini excavators.

We specialize in driveway design and restoration with packed stone grading and finishing. We invest in the proper equipment to offer superior grading services, and Elijah's background in landscaping is an asset in the design process. In addition to residential work, we have designed and renovated commercial and municipal parking lots.

We handle utility trenching of water and electric lines for new home construction as well as repairs and upgrades to existing utility lines. If you are considering extending utilities from your home to a garage or other site, we have the equipment and expertise for all of your utility trenching needs.

We have cleared, graded, and finished walking trails for medical centers, parks and municipalities. We can also refinish tops, resurface, and add features such as kayak access.

Impacted soil is soil that has been contaminated by petroleum and requires special handling. We dig up the petroleum-impacted soil, send it for testing, and remove and dispose of the contaminated soil in accordance with environmental regulations.